To help you prepare your business for the coming change, we research the alternative sceanarios of the future, create visions of the future of your business, and develop strategic plans to manage the change.



In-depth extensive subject research and futures of the subject researcg including trend analysis, emerging technology analysis, horizon scanning for drivers signals of change combined with yuor unique business situation analsyis.



Then we identify and analyse risks, high impact uncertain events (aka wild cards, black swans).



We define and describe potential landscapes (scenarios), and in accordance with your business goals develop long term vision



At this step extensive discoveries become actionable with strategic planning, roadmapping, and decision tree development.

Tools and Methods for Strategic Foresight Services

At Futures Land, we utilize a variety of cutting-edge tools and methodologies to provide comprehensive and actionable strategic foresight services to our clients. From scenario planning and trend analysis to futures wheels and wild cards, we leverage a diverse toolkit to help organizations anticipate change, navigate uncertainty, and seize opportunities in an ever-evolving landscape.

These can be used within our signature Foresight Consulting Program, or separately to address your unique needs.

Scenario Planning

Scenario planning is a powerful tool for exploring alternative futures and assessing the potential impact of different scenarios on your organization. By developing multiple plausible scenarios based on different combinations of drivers and uncertainties, we help you prepare for a range of possible outcomes and develop strategies to adapt and thrive in any future environment.

Trend Analysis

Trend analysis involves identifying and analyzing key trends and patterns in your industry or market to anticipate future developments and opportunities. By tracking emerging trends in technology, consumer behavior, demographics, and other relevant areas, we help you stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities before your competitors do.

Futures Wheels

Futures wheels are a visual tool for mapping out the potential consequences and implications of a particular trend, event, or decision. By systematically exploring the ripple effects and secondary impacts of different factors, we help you understand the interconnected nature of complex systems and make informed decisions that consider the broader implications for your organization.

Wild Cards

Wild cards are low-probability, high-impact events that have the potential to disrupt the status quo and dramatically alter the future landscape. By identifying and analyzing potential wild cards relevant to your industry or market, we help you develop contingency plans and strategies to mitigate the risks and capitalize on the opportunities associated with these unpredictable events.

Delphi Method

The Delphi method is a structured approach to gathering expert opinions and insights on future trends and developments. By engaging a diverse group of experts in iterative rounds of surveys and feedback, we help you harness the collective wisdom and expertise of industry thought leaders to inform your strategic decision-making and planning processes.


Backcasting is a strategic planning method that starts with a vision of the desired future state and works backward to identify the steps needed to achieve that vision. By envisioning your ideal future and identifying the actions required to make it a reality, we help you develop clear goals and strategies to move your organization forward.

Cross-Impact Analysis

Cross-impact analysis is a method for examining the potential interactions and interdependencies between different factors and variables that may influence future outcomes. By mapping out the relationships between various drivers of change, we help you identify potential synergies, conflicts, and emergent patterns that may shape the future landscape.

Horizon Scanning

Horizon scanning involves systematically monitoring and scanning the external environment for emerging trends, weak signals, and potential disruptors that may impact your organization in the future. By staying vigilant and proactive in identifying early indicators of change, we help you stay ahead of the curve and anticipate future developments before they become mainstream.

Causal Layered Analysis (CLA)

Causal layered analysis is a method for exploring the underlying causes and root drivers of change within a given system or issue. By analyzing the multiple layers of causation, from surface manifestations to deeper cultural, structural, and systemic factors, we help you uncover hidden dynamics and leverage points for intervention and change.

Emergent Scenario Planning

Emergent scenario planning involves co-creating scenarios with stakeholders in real-time through facilitated workshops or simulations. By engaging diverse perspectives and expertise, we help you generate rich and nuanced scenarios that capture a wide range of potential futures and insights, fostering collective understanding and alignment around future challenges and opportunities.